One Good Story: Our Boise Community


Last week, the Yes You Can (YYC) team spent some time calling the clients on our Active Homebuying Program List. Many of our clients have income barriers to buying a home. We maintain a mentor relationship with them as they work to overcome those barriers.

Looking through notes for each household, the YYC team determined who may be at risk for unemployment right now due to COVID-19.

Terry, our YYC Program Coordinator, talked with one of those families. They are a family of five and the husband works more than full time for a cleaning company.

She asked them if there was any way that we could help them.

With that question, the floodgates opened.

They expressed their fear that he is going out to clean without the proper personal protective equipment (PPE) and how afraid he is to bring the virus back to his family. They also talked about their:

Low food supply
Lack of cleaning supplies
Dwindling supply of, yes, toilet paper

The husband has been doing the grocery shopping and has come home empty handed.

Terry told them she would do what she could for them, and reached out to Cathedral of the Rockies and the IRC. Cathedral is sending them a Winco gift card to shop for groceries. IRC is bringing them toilet paper, cleaning supplies and some of the other things on their list.

No hesitation, no questions about if they qualify for assistance. Simply, "there is a need, let us fill that need."

We love this community. Thank you for partnering with us to build hope!

Yes You CanLEAP Housing