Housing Heroes Profile: Jerry Brady

The Housing Heroes profile series covers LEAP’s advocates and major donors who advance the mission of affordable housing in Idaho. Jerry is one of eight major donors to step forward and offer matching funds to all donations in the month of December during Avenues for Hope. To utilize Jerry’s match, visit our Avenues for Hope donation page.


Jerry Brady had a scare this summer. Brady, 85, was admitted to the hospital for three days. After a battery of tests, which he calls “wonderful,” it turned out to be nothing more than a case of dehydration. But it got Jerry thinking ...

“How much longer do you think I have?” he asked a doctor friend.

“I think you’ve got 10 more years,” came the reply. 

Jerry will tell you he is a numbers kind of guy. He likes quantitative goals and measures. He likes that his doctor friend gave him 10 more years. 

“I thought, ‘I’m 85, now what?’ Maybe I’d like to take the idea of a 10-year plan seriously. I like that idea.” 

A 10-year plan sounds like business jargon, right? Like something a corporation would do to advance the number of widgets it would sell in Seattle. But that’s not Jerry at all. Jerry is concerned with how much good he can do in his next 10 years. 

Decades ago Jerry graduated from Notre Dame. He says he bought into the institution “hook, line and sinker.” 

“I wanted my life to reflect the gospel. I am profoundly influenced by Christ’s preference for the poor.”

Notre Dame’s influence and Jerry’s awareness of disparities in the United States and around the globe brought him to the doorsteps of some organizations that were happy to receive his help.

Peace Corps, Accion International, Idaho Conservation League, Semilla Nueva. These are just a few of the organizations that Jerry has given his time, talent or treasure to over the years. And, oh yeah, he was once Idaho’s Democratic candidate for governor. 

With a lifetime of public service, we’re eager to see the fruit of Jerry’s 10-year plan. 

Part of getting his 10-year plan in motion involves LEAP, of course, and someone you may not have heard of - Lisa Cooper. Lisa Cooper founded Figure 8 Investing Strategies, a Boise B-corp. She’s kind of a local pioneer for helping people make socially responsible investments. 

“I turned all my assets over to Lisa. She’s got us connected to some really fantastic places like the Idaho Montana CDFI, an organic farming co-op in Illinois and housing for poor folks in Mississippi.”

Assets in order, Jerry is helping LEAP make an impact that you can really see. “You don’t really get to see the salmon returning to Redfish Lake,” he says. “The thing about LEAP is you actually get to see the result.” 

Jerry is president of the board at LEAP and has nurtured its growth and impact since 2018. But the best is yet to come. 

“Creating 1000 homes in 10 years is something I take personally.”

Jerry is referencing LEAP’s working draft of a strategic plan. You might have guessed that the plan, which Jerry is helping shape, attempts to answer a question that involves funding, land and construction. Namely, how do you build 1000 affordable homes in Idaho in 10 years? 

We’ve got some time.

Sidenote. If you’ve been around the inner workings of LEAP, you’ll hear Lisa’s name a lot. She was instrumental in helping LEAP create the LEAP Loan fund, a special investment pool that helps LEAP create affordable housing. 

LEAP Housing