Aries Duplex

transforming neighborhood blight | Nampa, id

With such great success at Windy Court, we decided to replicate the ecologically-minded developments in Nampa, Idaho. The homes are nearly identical in every way except for a small twist … or two. We had only .18 acres to use this time, so we build a duplex and make the most of the space allowed, The space was not in great shape, but that worked in our favor.

In fact, the lot was considered “blighted.”  

Blight, as it turns out, is a key ingredient to unlocking funding through the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP3). Knowing this bit of information helped us create a really competitive application.

This development is now part of the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP3), which provides grants to every state, certain local communities, and other organizations. The grants are used to rehabilitate, resell, or redevelop these homes in order to stabilize neighborhoods and stem the decline of house values of neighboring homes. (HUD)

If there was any further proof that the neighborhood appreciated the opportunity to protect house values (or improve them), we worked with neighbors to collect their input. Consequently, we have garages instead of carports!



4 BED, 2 BATH, 960 SF, ADA Visitable, 50% AMI

PREFERENCE: Households with elderly or disabled residents

Application Team - LEAP Housing

Architect/Designer - indieDwell

Time on Application -200 - 300 hours

IHFA Neighborhood Stabilization Project (NSP) Funds - $512,000

City of Nampa CBDG Funding - $25,000

Land costs - $69,000